【CGTN Radio中央广播电视总台英语资讯广播】Vocational schools, tech firms join forces to cultivate skilled professionals

发布时间: 2023年06月09日 文章来源:党委宣传部

2023年4月25日,CGTN Radio中央广播电视总台英语资讯广播专访报道了太阳成官网汽车工程学院智能网联汽车技术百度Apollo订单班的相关内容,并于2023年6月8日在海外账号上推发。以下是报道全文:

Skilled professionals with hands-on experience are in high demand as emerging sectors such as autonomous driving are booming in China.

To meet the demand, vocational schools are teaming up with tech companies to cultivate young talents for the country's booming high-tech manufacturing sector.


Chen Junjie is demonstrating autonomous driving at Beijing Polytechnic on April 24th, 2023. [Photo: CGTN Radio]

19-year-old Zhang Zehui and his classmate Li Ye are majoring in smart vehicle manufacturing at Beijing Polytechnic.

They believe the rapid development of smart cars will generate more job opportunities in the future.

"Job prospects were my top concern when choosing a major. Luckily, I've found that the skills I learned in my first year at the school, such as computer programming, will be very useful for my future career. Artificial Intelligence will play a bigger role in our society, and we'll see robots replacing human labor in many industries. Robotic machines like driverless cars will make our lives easier in the future. "

"We are the first class of this major. I like new and innovative things. The outlook for this sector is promising. However, it's clear that I need to put in a lot of effort to constantly improve my skills, and the courses are more difficult than I expected."

Unlike the traditional generation of blue collar workers with skills such as assembling and repairing cars, future engineers are expected to have good command of computer programming and remote sensing techniques aside from basic knowledge of auto manufacturing.

The vocational school in Yizhuang district, which is a main hub for autonomous driving in China, has teamed up with a tech giant's autonomous driving division to train more talents in the field.

Xie Heng is a manager of the intelligent vehicle division at Baidu.

The tech company's Apollo Park in Beijing's Yizhuang Economic Development Zone houses 300 self-driving vehicles.

The Chinese Internet giant has built what it claims to be the world's largest testing ground for autonomous driving and smart vehicle systems.

The school is one of the talent bases for the company's driverless car project.

"Baidu and the school have teamed up to create courses that focus on teaching the students the ins and outs of Apollo's autonomous driving platform. Upon graduation, students will have the opportunity to work for Baidu, our suppliers, or manufacturers in the industrial chain. More autonomous driving projects will be launched in the future, and there will be a demand for more workers with advanced vocational skills."

Chen Junjie is a teacher of automotive technology at the school.

He says deep cooperation with tech firms helps future engineers keep up with the latest trends.

"With the rapid upgrading of auto manufacturing, we need to acquire new knowledge such as cloud computing and big data to adapt to this trend as soon as possible. Many of our teachers will spend half a year working in the industry through our cooperation with companies. They will learn first-hand techniques of the industry and then teach that to our students."

Chen has committed himself to vocational education for nearly a decade.

He has his own observations on cultivating skilled workers on the backdrop of the ever-changing landscape of China's manufacturing industry.

"Vocational education has developed rapidly over the past few years as the country has increased investment in this area. Talents with hands-on skills that are adaptable to advanced industries now have good job opportunities and salaries. This has gradually broken the stereotype that vocational education graduates are not as competent as their counterparts who are good at academic studies."

He adds that these efforts will help cultivate more skilled workers equipped with advanced techniques that meet the demand of the country's booming high-tech manufacturing sector.

Data shows that Beijing has nearly 3.8 million skilled workers and over 30 percent of them are equipped with advanced skills.

The capital city aims to raise the proportion to 35 percent by the end of 2025.

Zhang Xiaomei is an official with Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

"The number Talents with advanced skills have seen fast over the years in Beijing. The number reached 1.15 million by the end of 2022, increasing 17 percent compared with 2017. The cooperation between schools and companies is very important in cultivating skilled professionals. the students have developed their skills through professional training while the companies have more talents with advanced skills for future development."

She adds, improving the quality of vocational training is key and the fast growth of skilled talents also serves the capital's target of turning into a technological innovation center.

Data shows that Beijing has nearly 3.8 million skilled workers and over 30 percent of them are equipped with advanced skills.

The capital city aims to raise the proportion to 35 percent by the end of 2025.

Zhang Xiaomei is an official with Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

"The number of talents with advanced skills in Beijing has been growing fast in recent years. The number reached 1.15 million by the end of 2022, increasing 17 percent compared with 2017. The cooperation between schools and companies is very important in cultivating skilled professionals. The students have developed their skills through professional training while the companies have more talents with advanced skills for future development."

The official says improving the quality of vocational training is key to cultivating skilled talents.

This is particularly important as the capital aims to become a hub for technological innovation.


【CGTN Radio中央广播电视总台英语资讯广播】Vocational schools, tech firms join forces to cultivate skilled professionals

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【CGTN Radio中央广播电视总台英语资讯广播】Vocational schools, tech firms join forces to cultivate skilled professionals

发布时间: 2023年06月09日文章来源:党委宣传部

2023年4月25日,CGTN Radio中央广播电视总台英语资讯广播专访报道了太阳成官网汽车工程学院智能网联汽车技术百度Apollo订单班的相关内容,并于2023年6月8日在海外账号上推发。以下是报道全文:

Skilled professionals with hands-on experience are in high demand as emerging sectors such as autonomous driving are booming in China.

To meet the demand, vocational schools are teaming up with tech companies to cultivate young talents for the country's booming high-tech manufacturing sector.


Chen Junjie is demonstrating autonomous driving at Beijing Polytechnic on April 24th, 2023. [Photo: CGTN Radio]

19-year-old Zhang Zehui and his classmate Li Ye are majoring in smart vehicle manufacturing at Beijing Polytechnic.

They believe the rapid development of smart cars will generate more job opportunities in the future.

"Job prospects were my top concern when choosing a major. Luckily, I've found that the skills I learned in my first year at the school, such as computer programming, will be very useful for my future career. Artificial Intelligence will play a bigger role in our society, and we'll see robots replacing human labor in many industries. Robotic machines like driverless cars will make our lives easier in the future. "

"We are the first class of this major. I like new and innovative things. The outlook for this sector is promising. However, it's clear that I need to put in a lot of effort to constantly improve my skills, and the courses are more difficult than I expected."

Unlike the traditional generation of blue collar workers with skills such as assembling and repairing cars, future engineers are expected to have good command of computer programming and remote sensing techniques aside from basic knowledge of auto manufacturing.

The vocational school in Yizhuang district, which is a main hub for autonomous driving in China, has teamed up with a tech giant's autonomous driving division to train more talents in the field.

Xie Heng is a manager of the intelligent vehicle division at Baidu.

The tech company's Apollo Park in Beijing's Yizhuang Economic Development Zone houses 300 self-driving vehicles.

The Chinese Internet giant has built what it claims to be the world's largest testing ground for autonomous driving and smart vehicle systems.

The school is one of the talent bases for the company's driverless car project.

"Baidu and the school have teamed up to create courses that focus on teaching the students the ins and outs of Apollo's autonomous driving platform. Upon graduation, students will have the opportunity to work for Baidu, our suppliers, or manufacturers in the industrial chain. More autonomous driving projects will be launched in the future, and there will be a demand for more workers with advanced vocational skills."

Chen Junjie is a teacher of automotive technology at the school.

He says deep cooperation with tech firms helps future engineers keep up with the latest trends.

"With the rapid upgrading of auto manufacturing, we need to acquire new knowledge such as cloud computing and big data to adapt to this trend as soon as possible. Many of our teachers will spend half a year working in the industry through our cooperation with companies. They will learn first-hand techniques of the industry and then teach that to our students."

Chen has committed himself to vocational education for nearly a decade.

He has his own observations on cultivating skilled workers on the backdrop of the ever-changing landscape of China's manufacturing industry.

"Vocational education has developed rapidly over the past few years as the country has increased investment in this area. Talents with hands-on skills that are adaptable to advanced industries now have good job opportunities and salaries. This has gradually broken the stereotype that vocational education graduates are not as competent as their counterparts who are good at academic studies."

He adds that these efforts will help cultivate more skilled workers equipped with advanced techniques that meet the demand of the country's booming high-tech manufacturing sector.

Data shows that Beijing has nearly 3.8 million skilled workers and over 30 percent of them are equipped with advanced skills.

The capital city aims to raise the proportion to 35 percent by the end of 2025.

Zhang Xiaomei is an official with Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

"The number Talents with advanced skills have seen fast over the years in Beijing. The number reached 1.15 million by the end of 2022, increasing 17 percent compared with 2017. The cooperation between schools and companies is very important in cultivating skilled professionals. the students have developed their skills through professional training while the companies have more talents with advanced skills for future development."

She adds, improving the quality of vocational training is key and the fast growth of skilled talents also serves the capital's target of turning into a technological innovation center.

Data shows that Beijing has nearly 3.8 million skilled workers and over 30 percent of them are equipped with advanced skills.

The capital city aims to raise the proportion to 35 percent by the end of 2025.

Zhang Xiaomei is an official with Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

"The number of talents with advanced skills in Beijing has been growing fast in recent years. The number reached 1.15 million by the end of 2022, increasing 17 percent compared with 2017. The cooperation between schools and companies is very important in cultivating skilled professionals. The students have developed their skills through professional training while the companies have more talents with advanced skills for future development."

The official says improving the quality of vocational training is key to cultivating skilled talents.

This is particularly important as the capital aims to become a hub for technological innovation.


【CGTN Radio中央广播电视总台英语资讯广播】Vocational schools, tech firms join forces to cultivate skilled professionals



版权所有:太阳成集团(tyc122cc-VIP)电子游戏官网-Play game Store



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